Black women in IT – Show Me Shona LLC Thu, 12 Oct 2023 01:06:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Black women in IT – Show Me Shona LLC 32 32 Career Transitioning: From benefits admin to network admin Fri, 06 Oct 2023 17:19:45 +0000 "Unlocking the Path to a Successful Career Transition: From Benefits Admin to Network Admin. Discover the key steps and strategies to transition smoothly. Get started on your network administration journey today!"

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Making a career change can be daunting, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. If you’re currently working in benefits administration but are interested in pursuing a career in network administration, you might be wondering how to make the transition. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps you can take to make the move from benefits admin to network admin.

Gain Technical Knowledge and Skills

The first step in transitioning from benefits administration to network administration is to gain the technical knowledge and skills required for the job. This might involve taking courses or getting certified in networking technologies such as Cisco, Microsoft, or CompTIA. You can also look for training programs or boot camps offering intensive, hands-on network administration training.

Build Your Network

Networking is important in any career, and it’s especially crucial when making a career change. Connect with professionals in the field of network administration, both online and in person. Join professional organizations or attend networking events to meet people in the industry and learn about job opportunities. You can also reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who work in network administration for advice or referrals.

Gain Experience

One of the biggest challenges in transitioning from benefits administration to network administration is the lack of experience. However, there are ways to gain relevant experience and make yourself more marketable to potential employers. Consider volunteering, taking on freelance projects, or working on personal projects that showcase your technical skills. You can also look for entry-level positions or internships in network administration to gain hands-on experience.

Brown Wooden Scrabble Pieces on White Surface

Update Your Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume and cover letter are your first impression with potential employers, so it’s important to make them stand out. Highlight your technical skills and any relevant experience you’ve gained. Emphasize your ability to learn quickly and adapt to new technologies. You may also want to consider hiring a professional resume writer to help you craft a compelling resume that highlights your strengths and potential as a network administrator.

Prepare for Interviews

Once you start applying for network administration positions, you must be prepared for interviews. Research the company and the position you’re applying for, and be ready to answer questions about your technical skills, experience, and qualifications. Be confident in your ability to learn and adapt, and show enthusiasm for the field of network administration.


Transitioning from benefits administration to network administration requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn. By gaining technical knowledge and skills, building your network, gaining experience, updating your resume and cover letter, and preparing for interviews, you can make the move from benefits admin to network admin. It may take time, but with persistence and determination, you can achieve your career goals and enjoy a rewarding career in network administration.

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“The Rise of Black Women in Tech: Shaping the Future” Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:49:08 +0000 Discover how black women are shaping the future in the world of tech. Learn about their achievements and the strides they are making to overcome the challenges they face. Uncover the inspiring stories of black women who are making a significant impact in the tech industry and find out how you can join them. Click here to learn more about the rise of black women in tech.

The post “The Rise of Black Women in Tech: Shaping the Future” appeared first on Show Me Shona LLC.

Table of Contents
  • Intro
  • The Journey Of Black Women In Tech
  • Breaking Barriers and Shaping The Future
  • Challenges Ahead
  • Conclusion


Black women have long been underrepresented in the tech industry, facing numerous barriers and challenges. However, in recent years, there has been a significant rise in the number of black women who are breaking these barriers and shaping the future of technology. This article will explore the impressive achievements and contributions of black women in tech, highlighting their resilience and determination.

The Journey of Black Women in Tech

Black women have historically faced multiple obstacles in pursuing careers in the tech industry. These include systemic racism, gender discrimination, and limited access to resources and mentorship. However, despite these challenges, black women have continuously defied the odds and made significant strides in the field.

One example is Kimberly Bryant, the founder of Black Girls CODE, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for young black girls to explore computer programming and technology. Through her organization, Bryant has empowered thousands of young black girls to pursue careers in tech and has helped bridge the racial and gender gap in the industry.

Another influential figure is Dr. Ayanna Howard, a renowned roboticist and the first black woman to earn a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California. Dr. Howard is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the tech industry and has worked on groundbreaking projects, including NASA’s Mars Rover and assistive robotic technologies for children with disabilities.

Breaking Barriers and Shaping the Future

Black women in tech are not only breaking barriers but also shaping the future of the industry. Their unique perspectives and experiences bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the table.

Take, for example, the success story of Lisa Gelobter, a trailblazing black woman in the tech industry. Gelobter played a crucial role in the development of Shockwave, a technology that revolutionized web multimedia. She also co-founded the multimedia platform Hulu, which transformed the way we consume video content online. Gelobter’s achievements demonstrate the invaluable contributions of black women in shaping the technological landscape.

Furthermore, black women in tech are increasingly occupying leadership positions and making a significant impact. Ursula Burns, the former CEO of Xerox, is a prime example. Burns, the first black woman to lead a Fortune 500 company, spearheaded the company’s transformation and played a pivotal role in its success. Her leadership and vision have paved the way for other black women to thrive in the tech industry.

Challenges Ahead

Despite the remarkable progress made by black women in tech, many challenges still persist. The tech industry continues to struggle with diversity and inclusion, and black women remain underrepresented in leadership roles and decision-making positions.

Additionally, unconscious bias and discriminatory practices continue to hinder the advancement of black women in the tech industry. These barriers must be addressed and dismantled to ensure equal opportunities for all.


The rise of black women in tech is a testament to their resilience, talent, and determination. Through their groundbreaking achievements and contributions, they are breaking barriers and shaping the future of the tech industry. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure equal representation and opportunities for black women in this field. It is crucial that the industry continues to address the barriers and biases that black women face, fostering a more inclusive and diverse tech community.

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“Empowering Black Women in IT: Defying Stereotypes” Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:45:50 +0000 Learn how empowering black women in IT are defying stereotypes. Discover their inspiring stories and learn how you can support diversity in the tech industry. Join the movement. Learn more.

The post “Empowering Black Women in IT: Defying Stereotypes” appeared first on Show Me Shona LLC.

Table of Contents
  • The Importance Of Empowering Black Women In IT
  • Barriers Faced By Black Women In IT
  • Steps To Empower Black Women In IT
  • Increasing Representation
  • Promoting Skill Development
  • Creating Safe Spaces


Empowering black women in the field of Information Technology (IT) is vital to breaking barriers and defying stereotypes. With a historical lack of representation in this industry, black women have faced unique challenges, including systemic racism and gender bias. However, through empowerment and support, black women are demonstrating exceptional talent, innovation, and leadership in IT. This article will explore the importance of empowering black women in IT, the barriers they face, and the steps being taken to overcome them.

The Importance of Empowering Black Women in IT

Empowering black women in IT is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for diverse perspectives and experiences to be included in the decision-making process. Black women bring a unique blend of cultural insights and innovation to the table, which can lead to more effective and inclusive solutions. Secondly, empowering black women in IT helps to dismantle stereotypes and challenge the notion that there is a lack of talent and capability within this demographic. By showcasing successful black women in IT, we can inspire future generations and break down barriers.

Barriers Faced by Black Women in IT

Black women in IT face numerous barriers that hinder their progress and advancement. One significant barrier is the lack of representation and visibility. When black women do not see themselves reflected in leadership positions or successful roles within the industry, it can be demotivating and disheartening. Additionally, systemic racism and unconscious bias can lead to unequal opportunities for black women in IT. These biases can manifest in hiring practices, networking opportunities, and career advancement prospects.

Steps to Empower Black Women in IT

Empowering black women in IT requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses both individual and systemic barriers. Here are some key steps being taken to empower black women in the field:

Increasing Representation

One crucial step is to actively increase the representation of black women in IT. This can be done by implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives, setting hiring targets, and promoting mentorship opportunities. By seeing more black women in leadership positions and successful roles, aspiring black women in IT will feel inspired and motivated to pursue their dreams.

Photo of Women at the Meeting

Providing Mentorship and Support

Mentorship programs play a crucial role in empowering black women in IT. Connecting black women with experienced mentors who have successfully navigated the industry allows for knowledge-sharing, guidance, and support. Mentorship programs also provide a space for black women to build professional networks and access opportunities that may not have been available otherwise.

Promoting Skill Development

Empowering black women in IT also involves promoting skill development. Providing access to training programs, scholarships, and educational resources can help bridge the skills gap and ensure that black women have the necessary tools to excel in IT roles. By investing in skill development, we can empower black women to take on more challenging roles and make significant contributions to the industry.

Creating Safe Spaces

Creating safe spaces within the IT industry is essential for empowering black women. These spaces allow for open dialogue, the sharing of experiences, and the formation of support networks. Safe spaces also provide an avenue for black women to discuss the unique challenges they face and collaborate on strategies for overcoming them.


Empowering black women in IT is a critical step towards breaking barriers and defying stereotypes. By increasing representation, providing mentorship and support, promoting skill development, and creating safe spaces, we can empower black women to thrive in the IT industry. Through their remarkable talent and innovation, black women are shaping the future of technology and paving the way for a more diverse and inclusive IT landscape.

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