Terms of Service

Effective Date: 01-01-2023


“Show Me Shona LLC” is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google or AdSense. The Blog is an independent entity providing information and content related to technology.

AdSense Program Compliance

The “Show Me Shona LLC” blog complies with the AdSense Program policies and the Google Publisher Policies to the best of its knowledge and abilities. Users are expected to adhere to these policies while using this Blog.

Minimum Content and Traffic Requirements

The “Show Me Shona LLC” blog meets the minimum content and traffic requirements as specified by Google AdSense for participation in their program.

Content and Advertisements

The “Show Me Shona LLC” blog covers topics related to technology, information technology, and related subjects. The types of advertisements displayed on the Blog may include but are not limited to, contextual text ads, display ads, and other ad formats provided by Google AdSense.

Ad Content Disclaimer

The “Show Me Shona LLC” blog is not responsible for the content of any ads that are displayed through Google AdSense on this Blog. Advertisements are provided by Google, and their content is subject to Google’s policies.

Ad Removal

This Blog reserves the right to remove any ads that violate the AdSense Program policies or the Blog’s TOS. This includes but is not limited to, ads that are in violation of Google’s policies or that are deemed inappropriate for the Blog’s audience.


This Blog reserves the right to terminate the AdSense program on the Blog at any time for any reason. This may include but is not limited to, instances where the Blog deems it necessary to discontinue participation in the AdSense program.

Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Jurisdiction. Any legal action arising from these terms shall be filed and resolved in the courts of the Federal Jurisdiction.

Changes to TOS

The Blog may update or modify these Terms of Service at any time. Users will be notified of such changes on the Blog. Continued use of the Blog after any changes constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, you may contact us at shelonda@showmeshona.com.

Thank you for trusting Showmeshona, LLC with your personal information.

Shelonda Craig


Showmeshona, LLC